Welcome back! Join us to reconnect with fellow alumni and meet and welcome members of the classes of 2010 and 2011.
There will be light appetizers and, for members and paid guests only, one complimentary drink.
Tia's Restaurant on the Boston Waterfront is "the" place to be. Voted "Best of Boston" by Boston Magazine, Tia's patio is adjacent to the Marriott Longwharf and Christopher Columbus Park.
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Place: Tia's Restaurant, 200 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA
Price: This event is free for members of the Sloan Alumni Club of Boston and for members of the classes of 2010 and 2011, and $15 for MIT Club of Boston Members and Non-Member Sloan Alumni. However, you must register in advance. Alumni, please join the club before registering (3rd Tuesdays are normally members only).
Sponsoring organizations: The MIT Sloan Office of External Relations and the MIT Sloan Alumni Club of Boston
Registration: Students must register by 12 noon Monday, September 14 and Alumni by 12 noon on Tuesday, Septmber 15. Significant others and partners are most welcome.
Click here to Register
Event Information
EVENT DATE: Tuesday, Sep 15 2009 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm [ iCal ]
Tia's Restaurant 200 Atlantic Ave Boston, MA
Look Who's Coming:
Guest of Amanda Symonds Guest of David Segrera Guest of Jeffrey Feng Guest of Josephine Boateng Guest of Leigh Spoon Guest of Maria Alcantara Maria Alcantara Jimena Almendares Cenk Alperdem Yuko Amizaki Carlos Aracil Lloret Sean Arnette Justin Ashton Viviana Avila-Gnau Tufts University School of Dentistry / Cambridgeside Dental Liron Azrielant Ashley Baker MIT Sloan, Class of 2010 Blanche Barco Yosi Bekker Dean Berlin Jenny Berlin Laura Bermudez MIT Sloan 2011 SO Marta Bezoari Gennaro Bisesti James Black James Blair Jeffrey Blake Lennitt Bligen Josephine Boateng Juan Boulin Juan Boulin David Britz Amanda Brophy David Bueno Dusit Chairat Louise Chang Michael Chen Elena Cherenkova Ivy Cheung Mark Chew MIT Sloan Jesse Chow Jennifer Clark Ben Cluff Raffaele Colella Jaime Contreras Deric Corwin Mark Crowley Bradley Davenport Kristi Davis Carlos Dedesma Agathe Derome Neal Desai Sebastian Di Tella MIT Kiran Divvela Shannon Downey Emily Edwards chika ekeji Hala El-Khaldi Joanna Eldrridge lorenzo farronato MIT Sloan Guest of Alexis Zheng felch kristin Jeffrey Feng Pedro Fiuza Henry Ford Lisa Frist Simone Gammeri Jon Gensler Greg Gerstenzang Gerard Gharios Bruce Glazer Andy Gnau MIT Sloan / Harvard Kennedy School Vanessa Green Rebecca Greenstein Morgan Gregory Maria Grunwald Liza Gutina Jorge Guzman Amy Hamilton SO Matthew Hamilton MIT LGO '10 Andre Hamman MIT Sloan 2010 Anna Hamman MIT Sloan 2010 Nancy Hang David Harelick CRIC Capital, LLC Justin Harper Shayna Harris Nir Hasson Adam Hatch Deirdre Hatfield MIT Sloan 2010 Yoo Mi Hong Yoomi Hong MIT Sloan Alex Hsi julia hu Yuanying Huang Melinda Hwang Christina Ingersoll Evan Ingersoll Angstrom Images Abdul Ismaila David Jacobs Jennifer Jacobs Rahul Jain Divya Jani Lemma Jarudi Arjun Jaswal Tina Jovic Christine Juang Daria Kaboli Ashkan Kamali MIT Sloan Craig Kiczek Sangouk Kim Crede Kinder Joy Koh Pranisa Kovithvathanaphong Pedro Ladislau de Sousa Elizabeth Laipson Nabil Laoudji Ian Lavery Brent Lawton Timothy Lawton Christy Trang Le jaebeom lee Jung Lee Andrew Lei Rob Lemos Eran Lendner Khornkhaew Lersmethasakul Helen Li MIT Sloan Weisen Li Catherine Liang Chew MIT Sloan Chien Pang Lin Brian Liu Jaclyn Loo Dennis Lu class of 2010 Heather Lufkin Wife Amit Maimon Andres Marrelli Ash Martin Thomas Mathiesen Beletskiy Maxim Joyce McDonough Terry McDonough Dhruv Mehrotra MIT Sloan John Merchant Marjorie Merchant Molly Miranda John Montgomery Chris Nnadili Camila No Marie No Amaia Noguera Lasa Mike Norman Jennifer Novak Gene Nubla Batu Oncul Vimala Palaniswamy Kanaka Pattabiraman Hana Peljto Mercedes Politi MIT Rajan Prasanna Devon Price mandeep rai abu dhabi media authority Nitin Rao Adam Rein Rene Reinsberg MIT Catalina Rios Paul Rios TJ Rivera George Roberts Davide Rossi Leigh Rowan Moderne Communications Felipe Ruiz Heather Ryan Stephen Sacca Chad Sailer Nuno Sanches e Silva MIT Sloan 2011 Kuldip Sandhu Pedro Santos Ayusman Sarangi Aymeric Sarrazin MIT Sloan 2011 James Saxe Elliot Sedegah David Segrera Irvin Sha Jane Shapiro Hadar Sharfi Harvard Itay Sharfi MIT Sloan Jeongyeon Shim Marcelo Simoes Simone Simoes Brian Singer Stephanie Singer Anita Singh Karan Singh MIT Sloan Class of 2011 Tal Snir Jenny Son Sigrid Bach Sorensen Tyler Spalding Leigh Spoon Sarath Srinivasan Class of 2011 Roy Stern Lindsay Stradley MIT Sloan Class of 2011 Tessa Strong Alexandra Suhas Haihong Sun Kelvin Sun Amanda Symonds Mike Syrnyk Esther Tan Nadia Tan Hilda Tang James Tapley Nutt-hathai Thanachaihirunsiri Anul Thapa Tara Thomas Hakim Thompson Kimberly Torrence MIT Sloan 2010 Lilian Tse Warren Tseng Monique Tucker Carlo Tursi Jennifer Tutak Andreea Uta Ani Vallabhaneni Jenna Ventorino Goodwin Procter LLP Nipun Virmani Vadim Volkov Petros Voulgaris Sonny Vu Matthias Wagner Kathryn Wepfer Jay Werb Scott Wieder Nitida Wongthipkongka Lara Ximenes Fatma Yalcin Janet Yoo Sung You Brian Zajac Fortis Investments Kristin Zajac MIT Sloan Class of 2010 Donna Zhao Woodie Zhao Sloan 2010 Alexis Zheng ... a total of 246 guests.