Help set the stage for our 2016 event! Learn how you can contribute to this world class IT conference.
The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium brings together the academic thought leadership of MIT with the in-the-trenches experience of leading, global CIOs.
Volunteering for the Symposium is a great opportunity to expand your personal network and learn how cutting-edge technology is changing management practices.
Are you a marketing whiz or project leader? Do you have a passion for social media or web design? Do you enjoy client/customer sales and service? Stick your toe in the water and learn more about the Symposium and whether it’s a fit for you by attending our volunteer kickoff meeting.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email
Questions? Contact the Chair of the Symposium, Lindsey Anderson at
When: Wednesday, September 30 (6:00pm - Dinner, 6:30pm - Meeting)
Where: Offices of Initiative on the Digital Economy and
Center for Information Systems Research
245 First Street, E94-15th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142
Parking: The closest garage is the 350 Kendall Street garage, located at the intersection of Third Street and Kendall Street. Enter after 4:00pm, rate is $8.00.
RSVP: Monday, September 28, 2015
Note: Please RSVP so we can order the right amount of food and drinks. Thanks.
Event Information
EVENT DATE: Wednesday, Sep 30 2015 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm [ iCal ]
Center for Digital Business 245 Main Street E94, 15th Floor Cambridge, MA 02139