"Public Speaking: The Game Changer" - Two-thirds of all conference speakers are men…a large percentage because they still hold more positions of power and prestige.
This prevents others from tapping the many benefits of public speaking. It also creates a vicious circle of bias as speakers are seen as thought leaders and experts, perpetuating the myth of male dominance. (You’ll never be seen as a leader while sitting in the audience.)
What does it take to become a thought leader? To be seen as the expert or the authority in your field? Often, nothing more than the willingness to stand up and share your ideas in public. But how can we open stages to all? How can we create paths to the stage suitable for everyone? With this behind-the scenes look at gender-equity, diversity and inclusion at conferences, events, and throughout the world of professional speaking, you’ll learn about the personal, professional and organizational benefits of public speaking, and what it can mean for you and your team.
- Understand the processes and tactics you need to employ to be selected as a speaker
- Understand how public speaking impacts your public persona
- Learn specific things you can do to kick-off a speaking career or business
Bobbie Carlton is the founder of Carlton PR & Marketing, Innovation Nights and Innovation Women, or, as she calls them, the day job, the night job and the dream job. Carlton is an entertaining, tell-it-like-it-is speaker who speaks extensively (and passionately) about public speaking and how it can be the driving force behind career growth and business success. She's a TEDx speaker; an entertaining startup event host; she's spoken at the United Nations; she's shared the stage with storytelling legend (and NPR's Snap Judgment host) Glynn Washington; and she's been on the main stage for some of the world’s best-known conferences for technical and professional women. Carlton has been featured on CBS News, in the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, USA Today and other major media. She was previously the head of global PR at two different enterprise software companies and the head of marketing for a brand devoted to providing positive role models for preteen girls. She’s inspired thousands of technical, entrepreneurial and executive women to take control of their own speaking careers and has worked with event managers around the world to deliver diverse and inclusive events. She is also the Editor In Chief of Lioness Magazine, for the Female Entrepreneur.For more information click here.
Follow Bobbie on Twitter as @BobbieC @MassInno @WomenInno or @CarltonPRM
Please come and sip, munch and mingle to continue to build our valuable and growing network of women professionals!
Women and Wine Wednesdays is a professional networking group for MIT alumnae & friends - women and those who identify as women.If you would like to bring a male colleague, please email Tina Kruczynski (tina@mitsloanboston.com).
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
6:00 - 9:00 pm EST
10 Avery Street
Boston, MA 02111
MIT/Sloan Alumnae & friends: $25/each
MIT/Sloan Students: $15/each
This event is hosted by the MIT Sloan Boston Alumni
Association (MITSBAA). MITSBAA is an alumni-led 501-C3 non-profit. For
more information and/or to volunteer, please email info@mitsloanboston.com.
Our Women's Events Volunteer Committee includes:
- Audrey Daum, SM '88, SBAA Board Co-Chair Women’s Events, Chair, Women and Wine Wednesdays & Senior Vice President – Investments, Moors & Cabot, abdaum@me.com
- Sun Altbach, MBA '11, Advisor, LVF VC, sg.altbach@gmail.com
- Monica Kothari, MBA '19, Regions Lead, Campus Strategy, Capital One, monicakothari23@gmail.com
- Dr. Irena Lucifredi, PhD '05, President, SOFAR Acoustics, LLC, ilucifredi@sofaracoustics.com
- Katie Manty, SM '02, VP, Omnichannel Strategy, kmmanty@yahoo.com
- Tina Kruczynski, Program & Operations Manager, MITSBAA, tina@mitsloanboston.com
Event Information
EVENT DATE: Wednesday, Dec 4 2024 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm [ iCal ]
The Ritz-Carlton, Artisan Bistro 10 Avery Streeet Boston, MA 02111